Clothilde Humbert is an associate in Hughes Hubbard & Reed's Paris office and a member of the firm's Global Investigations, Enforcement and Compliance practice group. Clothilde assists clients in connection with a range of issues relating to anti-corruption compliance, international economic sanctions and export controls.
Clothilde’s practice also focus on criminal defense. She is registered on the public defenders list in Paris.
Clothilde has been elected Secrétaire de la Conférence des avocats du Barreau de Paris (10th Secretary in charge of Criminal Defense) for 2022.
Previous Experience
From October 2017 to August 2018, she was seconded at an international company in the aerospace industry
In-house counsel working on international economic sanctions at the Group Legal department of a multinational oil and gas company
Intern at the Washington, D.C. and Paris offices of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Intern at a multinational oil and gas company on environmental law with research on the legal and policy framework on climate change
Highlighted Publications
“The Global Magnitsky Act: Sanctions in Response to International Crises,” WorldECR (January 2018) (co-authored with Ryan Fayhee, Alan G. Kashdan, Olivier Dorgans, and Tyler Grove)
"Snapback to the Future: A Case Study of How the U.S. Withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal Impacts EU Companies," Revue internationale de la compliance et de l’éthique des affaires / International Review of Compliance and Business Ethics (October 2018) (co-authored with Ryan Fayhee and Tyler Grove)
Contributor, Introduction to the Article series “Loi Sapin 2, FCPA, UKBA, CCA: Comment ne pas se perdre dans le dédale de la conformité?” (“Loi Sapin 2, FCPA, UKBA, CCA: How Not to Get Lost in the Compliance Maze?”), Cahiers de Droit d l’Entreprise n° 2, March-April 2017 (co-authored by Anne Hukkelaas Gaustad, Tamara Kraljic, and Marie-Agnès Nicolas)
Contributor, “Procédure de sanctions de la Banque mondiale - Guide pratique: à quoi s’attendre, comment y répondre?” Revue internationale de la compliance et de l’éthique des affaires / International Review of Compliance and Business Ethics (June 2016) (co-authored by Anne Hukkelaas Gaustad and Tamara Kraljic)
Professional Activities
Registered on the legal aid list of lawyers specially trained on issues of domestic violence in Paris
Highlighted Lectures and Conferences
Lecturer, Conference at the Senate, 2 June 2023 "Business and Human Rights" (Speech: "Practical challenges and opportunities for businesses in implementing human rights compliance")